About Me

I like big open spaces, dark forest with tight twisting singletrack, feeling the history of the landscapes I ride through, old trees, stars, things that just work, jelly babies, cider, limestone, hot curries, precision, maps, getting to the top, new places, the sea, little details, 32:19, steel, the colours blue and green, numbers and the feeling after I’ve done something really hard.

If Collins – the people that do those nice bird books – did an identification guide for mountain bikers, you’d probably find me in the Mountain and Moorland section:


Height: 173cm; Weight: 67 kg

Usually found riding solitarily and known to cover large distances in a day. Tolerant of adverse weather. Skilled in bivvy- and mountain-craft. Will show competitive characteristics in the company of other riders.


Open hill land, mountain ridges and forests. Occasionally coastal regions. Resident in Wales, but will migrate north to Scotland for short periods.


Slight build, with powerful legs. Distinctive out-of-saddle pedalling style indicates single-speed preference, though can be found to adopt gears in certain situations. Seldom clean shaven, except for legs in summer. Bearded in winter.


Jelly babies, malt loaf, nuts, dark chocolate, Pepperami and coffee.

I’m 40. I live in Wales with my wife, Beth and our two children Henry & Sophie. I ride for Shand Cycles and am occasionally referred to as the other half of Wildcat Gear.


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